[OPINION] Make Mental Health For All a Global Priority – Children and Adolescents

The World Health Organization (WHO) celebrates World Mental Health Day annually with a global campaign on the 10th of October. Each year, the gist of the message is clear: we need to raise awareness about mental health, and mobilise efforts to support people living with mental health difficulties. This is absolutely necessary as awareness is required to encourage help-seeking behaviours and consequently, increasing the likelihood of people to reach out for mental health services.

[RESEARCH INSIDER] Self-harm: What do our genes have to do with it?

Research Insider this week gets up close with Kai Xiang Lim who is in his second year pursuing a PhD in Social, Genetics and Developmental Psychiatry Research at King's College London, UK. He uses genetic information to investigate the underlying causes of self-harm behaviours and their relationships with mental health conditions.